Summer and thesis
Hello there, my dear Fulfordians!
As an answer to David's post, a short update on my situation. At the moment I am working on my master thesis. (It is about the amateur ideal in cycling and speed skating in the Netherlands between 1880 and 1914. I can imagine your reaction:"Bly me! That does sound interesting!") This will keep me busy the whole summer, since I am behind schedule a bit. I have only finished my papers for the winter semester this week...
Anyway, you will not be surprised to hear that besides working on my thesis I still cycle a lot. I have actually won a real race this year in May. So that is good news. Shortly afterwards I crashed, but my injuries were not really serious so I have had a good season so far. In August I have the national time trial championships and I hope to do well.
Me as winner of the District Championships time trial of Zuid-Holland 2009! ("He's pretty..." "Yeah, pretty ... ugly!")
I will be leaving for France this weekend. Sterre and I will both be working on our thesis, but in a more relaxing and vacation-like environment. We will go, for one week, to the rural Cevennes area and the last week we will go to Aix-en-Provence for the mediterranean feel!
So, I am doing pretty well and in september my life will be turned upside-down since then I have to start looking for a job, or better: finding a job... I will post when something is new!
Adios amigos!