Thursday, July 23, 2009

Summer and thesis

Hello there, my dear Fulfordians!

As an answer to David's post, a short update on my situation. At the moment I am working on my master thesis. (It is about the amateur ideal in cycling and speed skating in the Netherlands between 1880 and 1914. I can imagine your reaction:"Bly me! That does sound interesting!") This will keep me busy the whole summer, since I am behind schedule a bit. I have only finished my papers for the winter semester this week...
Anyway, you will not be surprised to hear that besides working on my thesis I still cycle a lot. I have actually won a real race this year in May. So that is good news. Shortly afterwards I crashed, but my injuries were not really serious so I have had a good season so far. In August I have the national time trial championships and I hope to do well.

Me as winner of the District Championships time trial of Zuid-Holland 2009! ("He's pretty..." "Yeah, pretty ... ugly!")

I will be leaving for France this weekend. Sterre and I will both be working on our thesis, but in a more relaxing and vacation-like environment. We will go, for one week, to the rural Cevennes area and the last week we will go to Aix-en-Provence for the mediterranean feel!
So, I am doing pretty well and in september my life will be turned upside-down since then I have to start looking for a job, or better: finding a job... I will post when something is new!

Adios amigos!


At 11:37 PM, Blogger Sasha said...

Congrads on winning the race! Must be great to be almost done with your degree. What kind of job will you look for? Do you want to stay in Academia?


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